We all have a personal network comprised of family, friends and colleagues. (If you know 12 people, they are going to know twelve people, and they know 12 people so on...) Instead of trolling the job boards, why not reach out to your network for your next contractor? Chances are good that you will know someone that may be winding up a contract, coming back from a leave, or re-entering the workforce with a new certification or work focus. (Check out some caveats to this statement)
Reduce uncertainty with Flow Through Contracting
Hiring known people from your network reduces uncertainty, saves time that you would usually spend reading resume's, setting up interviews, contacting references, and conducting interviews.
Plug and play potential
If you have worked with the contractor before, you know their work habits, their skill set, perhaps that special insight that they have, and how they respond under pressure. They may be familiar with the toolset that you are using and understand your processes and procedures.
In your enthusiasm, ensure you aren't putting your contact into an assignment that won't work for them.
Use LinkedIn, Facebook and/or professional associations.
Have a colleague or two interview the contractor for skills match up, expertise and related experience. If several people have worked with the candidate before, perhaps this is just a coffee meeting to confirm your selection.
Contact IntiSolutions
Once you find that resource, why not send them to IntiSolutions to see if we are a fit to be their flow through provider. Our simple, straightforward contract, (no non-compete of course), streamlined onboarding process, automated invoice processing, and liability insurance coverage means that it's a trouble free engagement. (Check out our online references to see what others are saying.)
Want to meet for coffee? Use our contact page to reach out.
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